Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Caught in the act!

Lately, Nora has been trying to get toys in her mouth. Usually I have to help her because she doesn't have very good hand eye coordination. Below is a picture of her getting a toy into her mouth all by herself though.

I've also been putting her in her play pen for about 10 minutes a day with a few toys. I "leave her alone" during that time. Usually, I'm right around the corner and out of her sight not making any noise. I love this because when she senses that nobody is around she starts doing things she's never done before. For instance, I've never seen her pull herself to her side before. Also, we were playing together with this giraffe the night before. Then during her playpen time

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thankgiving Weekend

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend at Justin's parent's house. This year lots of family was elsewhere so the company was small, still the food was great and it was fun to have Nora around for her first holiday.
Here Grandpa Jeff is giving Nora a turkey leg!
Later in the weekend, we drove down to Milwaukee for Nora to meet her Uncle Sam, great-grandparents and more Brown family. Her Great-Grandma Kay is holding Nora Kay. I'm glad Nora finally got to meet the person that her middle name comes from.