The babies did such a good job outside playing during the sale. Nora is in the middle of Emma Holmen and Owen Crammond.
Updates on us:
Justin-He is studying full time now to pass a government required exam to be able to sell stocks and bonds in the U.S. He will take that in late August. The information is interesting to him, but hard to absorb so much. He typically studies 9-11 hours per day every weekday and feels like he's back in college! He is excited to get past this part of the training.
Julie-I was busy with the rummage sale last week. Pricing, setting up, and selling but it was so fun and we made over $100-yay! I am using the money to buy pictures and photo albums. I have also been spending a lot of time in the basement packing and sorting through what we should keep. I feel like I'm making progress and yet there's still a lot to do. We will be moving most of our things down one month from today.
Nora-She is standing on her own now and taking a few steps randomly. Yesterday, she took 3 steps then fell, today it was 2. She is still really wobbly and prefers to crawl. She also got another tooth on the bottom and wasn't even fussy. My friend Molly pointed it out to me and I didn't believe her at first-but when I checked her mouth it was there, already through the surface.