It's been great to get the exercise. Speaking of, I just snuck in a tough workout DVD while Nora was taking her nap. Lots of sweating happening. Have you done a workout where you've sweated this week? If not, you should try it. It's hard, but you'll feel great afterwards!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Happy Fall Days
It's been great to get the exercise. Speaking of, I just snuck in a tough workout DVD while Nora was taking her nap. Lots of sweating happening. Have you done a workout where you've sweated this week? If not, you should try it. It's hard, but you'll feel great afterwards!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Tour De Rental-Part 2
Well, I think it was a bit of wishful thinking on my part to show you our upstairs the day after I posted our downstairs. I actually have about 4 posts written in my mind, it’s just that some days this mythical “free time” eludes me. So here I am madly hunting and pecking on my keyboard before Nora wakes up…
Okay let me show you the upstairs.
And Nora's crib. My, her walls are bare. Maybe someday we'll get to hang up our pictures. Oh well!
And our bed, which Justin bought me this year as a 3 year anniversary present. Very lovely!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tour De Rental
As promised, here is part one of the tour of our new place. We feel so blessed that God placed us here, right next door to our good friends Josh and Colleen Toltzman and with very affordable rent for the area.
So come on in...I'll show you around!
So come on in...I'll show you around!
If you walked in our front door, this is what you'd see. Our living room-nice and bright. I love it!
Then you walk through the living room and see Nora on the kitchen floor in a bucket. Anyway, I included this pic, because did you notice the floor? Maybe it's not the greatest but it's like the finest tile to me, compared to my ugly 70's orange linoleum at our last place.
So, back to my kitchen. This kitchen is a bit smaller than our last place-less cupboard and counter space and still no dishwasher but I love it a zillion times more. I think this is because it is just so bright. I feel so cheery whenever I'm in it. Here is Nora tucked in her little spot between my coffee "station" and my food prep area. We have lots of conversations while I cut green peppers and such.
Here's the view of our back door and table. We bought that table for $5 and accumulated free or cheap chairs to surround it in hopes of refinishing all of them and painting them white before we moved-fools! We only got to painting the tables legs which now need to be repainted due to scuffs from the move. Anyway-that is now slated as a Spring project.
And here it my small, but adequate counter and cupboard space and appliances. Thank goodness I have a pantry!
That is the first floor. I will try to get the 2nd floor up tomorrow. We are also working on a signing video for Nora, but our little actress is caving under the pressure of performing on camera so it may need to be edited over a few takes. Either way, I'll post it here or on Youtube with a link on here.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Happy Fall
She is always imitating us now-facial expressions, blinking, coughing, throat clearing, blowing her nose with a kleenex (at least bringing it to her nose and making a sound), shakes her head no, dances to music, and pretending to sweep when I set the broom down.
She's starting to understand more of what we say too. When I say: "It's time for a bath"-she books it upstairs, "It's time to eat"-she goes to her high chair, and "Where's you water?"-she goes to the fridge and tries to open it up. I've also started asking her where animals are in books-she will point to bears and cats about 50% of the time.
Physically-she's walking backwards, spinning in circles, walking quickly, sticking her tongue out, giving kisses and hugs on occasion, covering her eyes and then uncovering them, and trying to open up anything with a lid. She also just got 3 of her molars, bringing the total up to 11 teeth!
Verbally-Her pediatrician said she's right on track with language development-yay. In fact, I don't think she ever stopped blabbing the whole time we were at her doctor's appt. This was a slight concern since we have been teaching her sign language for some time now and delayed lang. dev. is one of the criticisms. She says "Hi" (and waves), "Bye or Bye,Bye", "Mama", "Aba" (means Grandpa) and all other kinds of alien sounding gibberish. She also says "Ba" which can mean Ball, Book, Bath, Banana or Bear depending on what we're near-good thing she's starting to point too! As far as signing, can sign a bunch of words which is handy to decipher what she's trying to tell us. She signs: Water, Milk, Eat, More, Dog, Cat, Bird, Fish, Want, Baby, Bear, Grandpa, Daddy, Bath, Book, Ball and Light. I'll have to shoot a video of this to show you all before she completely ditches signs for talking.
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