I apologize again for the length of time between updates. Lately, I have been obsessed with the above, my Square Foot Garden. This is a little 4'x4' garden Justin built me for my birthday. It has a special mix of soil and is supposed to be high yield with less weeding and watering. We shall see! It is perfect for us since our "yard" is a parking lot. Until we get into a house, this will have to do for a garden. Sorry for the junk all around it. We still have some side containers to get ready for other veggies and herbs. So far the only lettuce is planted. I will update with pics.

Nora is doing great. She is loving to color lately. And yes, there are 2 bows on top of her head. Everytime we pass a bow on a shelf or counter, she wants it in her hair immediately. I have to regulate in public to save her from embarrassment, but here she's just coloring.

Her new favorite thing is to "help" me wash dishes. This IS actually really helpful to me, because I was having trouble washing dishes and keeping her from tearing up the house. Now, I wash and hand her her little dishes to rinse off and she is entertained forever rinsing, so then I race through my other dishes. She needs to be in just a diaper for this since she is still learning to dump water into the sink only. Can you see my little baby bump? I am 3 months pregnant now and loving being in my second trimester and over the morning sickness!

In March, we started something called Blanket Time. We heard about it from other parents. Simple concept. Basically, Nora plays on a blanket each day for a given amount of time. She can play and talk, but can't get off the blanket until the timer beeps. We started at 3 minutes which was a challenge until she learned what not getting off the blanket meant. Now we are up to 25 minutes. Which is where I think we will stay for awhile. I usually am in the same room folding laundry or writing out bills. It's nice to not be interrupted while Nora is entertained.

And it's fun to watch her make up new games like, "Put the truck inside your pajamas"