Goodness gracious it's tricky! Well, we have been very busy getting ready for Anna around here that I have completely neglected this blog. I am currently 37 1/2 weeks along-so pretty much full term. I have a huge to-do list I want to get through before Anna comes and updating the blog is on my list. Check! I looked on my camera for pictures to update with and I haven’t even taken any pictures at all since August, except for a few days ago. So that is all what I'll show you today.

We watched Ben and Megan's daughter, Emma while they went out on a date this last Tuesday. We saw their friend Hurshle outside playing in the leaves and the girls wanted to join in the fun!

The kids were so cute that three of us parents tried to coax these energetic toddlers to all look at the camera at once. This is hard when you're too busy playing!

Or when someone tries to steal your pumpkin!

Or even when you each have your own pumpkin, but the leaf pile is calling your name again!

But sometimes, just sometimes, out of 15 pictures taken-you capture that moment when they all pretty much appear to be looking at you-and then it's gone. We hope you are all enjoying the changing leaves, pumpkins and all the other joys of Fall. Check back in a few weeks for pictures of our new little girl and family of four!