We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. Ours was fun but we were so tired/busy, we forgot to take pictures to document it-bummer! This was a picture I took of Nora, helping me make my pies before Thanksgiving. She's such a good helper!

Over Thanksgiving weekend, we did get to meet Justin's high school friend Tom and his wife Jackie's baby. His name is Gavin and he was just a little over 2 months and 13 lbs. in this picture. Hard to imagine Anna could be that big in just another month or so. You can really tell the difference in alertness too-Gavin was wide eyed and smiling and Anna slept through most of their first meeting.

Here's a picture of Anna a couple days after we brought her home from the hospital...

And here's a picture of her from yesterday. She still fits into her newborn clothes but I can tell that she's really filled out, especially in her cheeks, arms, tummy, and legs. I love those chubby baby rolls! I think she also must be taller because her pants and sleeves are getting a little short. Today, I'm going to try on the next size up to see how those clothes fit. It's so fun to see all of Nora's cute outfits get worn again and to put Anna in some new clothes we were given this time around! I have to put her in a new outfit everyday so they all get worn!
We look forward to the next 2 weeks. Next Friday, we close on our house and the Friday after is Christmas. What a fun time. I better scoot and go wrap present before the girls wake up!