Sorry, I only have time for a quick update. Here's a few pictures of the girls.
We started Anna on solids recently, per recommendation of her pediatrition since she is in the 3rd percentile for weight. She has tried bananas, avocados, applesauce, and pears. She likes them all, except applesauce! Though, Anna's favorite thing to eat is her bib!

Here are the girls hanging out! I just missed a smile from Anna-instead she looks shocked!
In other news, I am very busy this spring doing my online scoring job for a company called Pearson. I try to work in all my spare moments like naps and when the girls go to bed at night, but I'm defnitely not getting as many hours in with 2 kiddos as I did last year. I will be doing that until the end of May as I just got an offer to score another project! Woohoo!
Justin will be moving out of the office he has been working in with his financial advisor mentor and into his own office some time in May. He started leasing a building in La Crosse in April but it is being remodeled currently. We are searching for furnishings for that in the meantime.
Our family and our whole church team's weekends have been filled lately with doing finishing touches on our church building and getting set to open on May 8th. It's neat to see something we've been working on over the last 2+ years finally come to fruition. I will have to take and post pictures soon! I am working with my friend Beth to coordinate the church's nursery.
On the side, when we find extra pockets of time, we are attempting to remodel our bathroom. Progress has been very slow as you can see from above that we are more than a little busy right now, but it will get done in time. I will include before, during, and after pictures when it's done.