With holidays, the house, and 2 kids we've been busy, busy, busy lately. Here are some "during" pictures of us working on the house. I will try to do before and afters sometime to show the difference in each room as we finish them. Above is our bedroom-look we found nice maple floors when we ripped up the carpet. They were in great condition and are being refinished on Friday.

We also pulled up the carpet on the stairs, living room and dining area, and in an upstairs bedroom. The linoleum you see at the base of these stairs, we pulled up on Sunday so now that is the same maple floors that is in our bedroom. In addition, we've deep cleaned a lot of the house including the basement, painted, and are lining up new carpet to be installed. Justin and his dad are installing some leftover hardwood from Justin's dad in the dining room on Saturday (and maybe my new/used sink-also leftover from Justin's dad) So by the end of next week, everything but the bathroom, kitchen, and basement should have a totally new look. Woohoo!

We are still spending most days and nights at our apartment in Onalaska, but we've slept a few nights in our new house. I help Justin after the girls go to sleep for the night and during their naps, but otherwise I try to keep them entertained while Justin works. Here's Nora playing with her play-doh set, a Christmas present from Uncle Jake and Katie, in the booth. She named her play-doh dog Martin, even though we don't know anyone with that name.

Anna is just starting to gain interest in some toys. Here she's "playing" on her activity mat and smiling at the star above her. She is 8 1/2 weeks old and has her 2 mo. check-up on Friday. Finally, below is a video of Anna rolling for the first time last night. I had her on her tummy on my chest and she just looked like she was about to roll so I put her down on a blanket. She rolled about 8 different times. I don't really think it was purposeful rolling to get around but still a milestone. Nora was very jealous of all the attention Anna was getting so she wanted us to tape and clap for her too.