Sorry I have been very behind in updating the blog. I think now I am all caught up. This and the 2 posts after it should give the summary of what our last 3 months have held.

November, there was not too much going on. We went to Justin's parents for 3 of the weekends for deer hunting, Thanksgiving and Anna's Birthday.
Here's me and Anna with her cake. The little clown candle holder was something Justin's family always used on cakes for the boys birthdays growing up. It's fun to carry it into the next generation.
Justin with Anna who is eating her cake. She was on the medium-low side of the messy cake eating scale, kind of like Nora. I'm hoping for very messy cake eater for one of our kids.

Anna seemed to get the hang of opening her presents. Here she is opening her favorite present-a "diva dog" as we call it from Great-Grandpa. Nora was a big help too.
Now that I think of it, I think this actually happened at the beginning of December. Whenever it was, we had our garage torn down and old driveway filled. We also had a gravel pad put in which is the footprint of our future garage and driveway. We were hoping to get through more of this project in the Fall, but alas that was not to be, so we will resume this project in the Spring. Nora loved watching the excavator do his work through the window on our landing.