Friday, December 10, 2010

Anna-5 Weeks and more pics

We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. Ours was fun but we were so tired/busy, we forgot to take pictures to document it-bummer! This was a picture I took of Nora, helping me make my pies before Thanksgiving. She's such a good helper!
Over Thanksgiving weekend, we did get to meet Justin's high school friend Tom and his wife Jackie's baby. His name is Gavin and he was just a little over 2 months and 13 lbs. in this picture. Hard to imagine Anna could be that big in just another month or so. You can really tell the difference in alertness too-Gavin was wide eyed and smiling and Anna slept through most of their first meeting.
Here's a picture of Anna a couple days after we brought her home from the hospital...
And here's a picture of her from yesterday. She still fits into her newborn clothes but I can tell that she's really filled out, especially in her cheeks, arms, tummy, and legs. I love those chubby baby rolls! I think she also must be taller because her pants and sleeves are getting a little short. Today, I'm going to try on the next size up to see how those clothes fit. It's so fun to see all of Nora's cute outfits get worn again and to put Anna in some new clothes we were given this time around! I have to put her in a new outfit everyday so they all get worn!

We look forward to the next 2 weeks. Next Friday, we close on our house and the Friday after is Christmas. What a fun time. I better scoot and go wrap present before the girls wake up!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Welcome Baby Anna!

We've had quite an adventurous last few weeks, so I will do a 2 week in review post. Two weeks ago today, Nora went trick-or-treating for the first time. She dressed up as a penguin. Here she is next to her friend Emma, an elephant. On Monday, my due date, we took a second look at a house with Justin's parents. We actually got to spend 3 hours in the house by ourselves-where Justin and his dad fully inspected it. Since we were very interested in it, Justin's dad let us know what repairs we would need to make and how much they would cost. Later that day, we put in an offer on the house. We went back and forth in offers and counter offers all week. On Thursday night, Justin heard back from the realtor that they accepted our final offer! So we will close on this house on December 17th-just a little over a month away. To add a little further craziness to this week, Nora started consistently potty training from her own desire this week. We are glad, but the timing was a bit chaotic.

Within hours of hearing that we got the house, I went into labor. I tried to go to sleep, but I was so excited and in a little pain so it was impossible for me to fall asleep. At 1 a.m. I went downstairs to iron and time my contractions. About an hour later my contractions were about 3-5 minutes apart. I got Justin up, called the hospital and our friend Megan came over to be with Nora until the morning. She snapped this picture of us leaving for the hospital at about 2:30 a.m.
After a few hours, Anna Mae was born at 10:21 a.m. She was 7 lbs. even and 19 inches.
Justin helped the nurse get her footprints and give her a bath.

One week ago today, we brought Anna home. This picture was taken literally minutes after we got home. It was followed by a huge reality check for Justin and me. We had just spent 2 relatively calm days in the hospital with a little girl who slept most of the time. Then Nora came back and all her energy. We went upstairs to change Anna and she was jumping on Justin's back, dancing around her room-just barely missing Anna, and going around the house finding all of Anna's burp cloths and diapers and showing them to her at her normal loud volume. The balancing act began.
The next day, we took a family walk. It was nice to have Justin home with us all week. Also Justin's mom stayed to help us until Wednesday.
Nora had a hard time adjusting to Anna in the house all the time at first. There were a few tears, but she's been adjusting to it better day by day. There have been a few cute sister moments. Here Nora was showing Anna her toys and had just been reading her a book (I think Anna was sleeping).
She does that a lot. She also likes to cross her legs like this.
Nora loves when she gets the chance to hold her baby sister. Earlier in the week, she said, "Be gentle with my sister dad." Last night when we gave Anna a bath she was crying. Nora said, "It's okay Baby Anna!" and then, "Stop crying Anna, you're scaring me!" It's so funny, because she talks to Anna as if she is her age-asking her questions like, "Do you see my striped Pj's, Anna?" then she waits and looks at us and says, "Anna doesn't talk yet." but she continues to ask her questions. I can't wait to watch their relationship unfold over the years.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Taking Pictures of Toddlers

Goodness gracious it's tricky! Well, we have been very busy getting ready for Anna around here that I have completely neglected this blog. I am currently 37 1/2 weeks along-so pretty much full term. I have a huge to-do list I want to get through before Anna comes and updating the blog is on my list. Check! I looked on my camera for pictures to update with and I haven’t even taken any pictures at all since August, except for a few days ago. So that is all what I'll show you today.

We watched Ben and Megan's daughter, Emma while they went out on a date this last Tuesday. We saw their friend Hurshle outside playing in the leaves and the girls wanted to join in the fun!

The kids were so cute that three of us parents tried to coax these energetic toddlers to all look at the camera at once. This is hard when you're too busy playing!
Or when someone tries to steal your pumpkin!

Or even when you each have your own pumpkin, but the leaf pile is calling your name again!

But sometimes, just sometimes, out of 15 pictures taken-you capture that moment when they all pretty much appear to be looking at you-and then it's gone. We hope you are all enjoying the changing leaves, pumpkins and all the other joys of Fall. Check back in a few weeks for pictures of our new little girl and family of four!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Coast

In mid-July, we took our first trip to Oregon with Nora. My family rented the above beach house right on the Oregon Coast. The coast is probably my favorite spot in the whole world. The beaches are nearly isolated because the water is frigid and the days can be cool enough to wear pants and fleeces-even in the summer, but it's just so fun to be near the sand and amazing waves and pretty much have them to yourself. My enjoyment of the beach increased on this trip as we got to share it with Nora for the first time.

Here's our little traveler on the her first plane trip. She loved playing with stickers and paper, but she was most excited about the "Scooby Snack" fruit snacks she got to eat at take-off. She did a great job on the plane. She even slept through one whole flight.

Nora was all smiles on her first walk down to the waves. She didn't even seemed fazed by the chilly water. Nora loved to collect rocks she found in her little bucket.

She also got to spend a lot of quality time in with her daddy. With Justin starting a new job about a year ago and working hard all year to start it up, it was nice to have him all to ourselves.

Overall, it was a relaxing and fun family trip. It was great to spend extended time with my Dad, stepmom, and sister. Nora learned so many new words-mainly from my sister, Sydney, including "flanges" (from her biology class), "merci" (from her French class), "Keith Urban", "iPod","Hugh Jackman and Simon Baker" (my sister's favorite actors"). She also started saying things we had never heard her say before like, "I'm hungry" and "That's the one". Every night at dinnertime, she seemed to take advantage of her captive audience and perform a show or make requests that the whole table sing "Wheels on the Bus" or "Old McDonald". We got a lot of funny video footage from these times.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

It's a Girl!

I'm so sorry for the long delay and many of you kn ow, but we are having another girl. Here is our first picture of Anna Mae Wise. We are both very excited too for Nora to have a sister!

I hope they will be good friends like Nora and Emma are. Here are the girls getting very messy while strawberry picking a few weeks ago. We are enjoying lots of smoothies, jam, and shortcake from that adventure so I think it was worth the mess!

And a pregnancy picture. This is when I was 20 weeks. Now I am 22 1/2 and I think a little bigger now. We enjoyed a weekend away at the Heidel House in Green Lake, WI last weekend for a regional meeting for Justin's work. We are also preparing for Nora's first plane ride. We are taking a week long trip to Oregon to visit my family and leave next week. Nora's thoughts when we ask her about it..."No, I don't want go up in sky!". Hmm, not sure how to get around that.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Summer is here!

I hope you all had a great Memorial Day weekend/kickoff to summer. Here's a peek into our life recently. Memorial Day weekend we went to visit Justin's parents. Jeff built Nora a sandbox which she loved and we also went out on the boat. Here is Nora pouting and mad to be wearing her life jacket, which we mean parents MADE her wear!
But all was fine when Grandpa let her steer and push the buttons! Here she is waving!

And a smile from our little cutie who looks more like a big girl each day. In other news, we have our ultrasound on Wednesday. I will post later this week with baby bump, ultrasound pics, and the gender (maybe even the name if we can come to a decision).

Lastly, here is a picture of my garden-my has it grown. I have several green tomatoes on the vines and we have enjoyed multiple salads from the lettuce in front-yum.

Friday, April 30, 2010

April Update

I apologize again for the length of time between updates. Lately, I have been obsessed with the above, my Square Foot Garden. This is a little 4'x4' garden Justin built me for my birthday. It has a special mix of soil and is supposed to be high yield with less weeding and watering. We shall see! It is perfect for us since our "yard" is a parking lot. Until we get into a house, this will have to do for a garden. Sorry for the junk all around it. We still have some side containers to get ready for other veggies and herbs. So far the only lettuce is planted. I will update with pics.
Nora is doing great. She is loving to color lately. And yes, there are 2 bows on top of her head. Everytime we pass a bow on a shelf or counter, she wants it in her hair immediately. I have to regulate in public to save her from embarrassment, but here she's just coloring.

Her new favorite thing is to "help" me wash dishes. This IS actually really helpful to me, because I was having trouble washing dishes and keeping her from tearing up the house. Now, I wash and hand her her little dishes to rinse off and she is entertained forever rinsing, so then I race through my other dishes. She needs to be in just a diaper for this since she is still learning to dump water into the sink only. Can you see my little baby bump? I am 3 months pregnant now and loving being in my second trimester and over the morning sickness!

In March, we started something called Blanket Time. We heard about it from other parents. Simple concept. Basically, Nora plays on a blanket each day for a given amount of time. She can play and talk, but can't get off the blanket until the timer beeps. We started at 3 minutes which was a challenge until she learned what not getting off the blanket meant. Now we are up to 25 minutes. Which is where I think we will stay for awhile. I usually am in the same room folding laundry or writing out bills. It's nice to not be interrupted while Nora is entertained.

And it's fun to watch her make up new games like, "Put the truck inside your pajamas"

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Chatty Kathy

Here's my little helper. She wants to be a part of everything that involves stirring.

Lately, I'm been letting her put ingredients into recipes and stir them. I usually help guide her hand though, otherwise they'll be a huge mess.

Now, the banana bread is ready to bake. Yum!

Nora, has been adding words to her vocabulary like crazy. Justin and I are going to Door County this weekend for a weekend away, while Justin's parents watch Nora. I have been writing up a little dictionary of Nora's "words" for them so they can understand what she is saying. I think maybe I will document what all my kids can say at 18 months. It's so sweet to have it recorded. Surprisingly, the list is almost up to 100 words! Since I've been keeping track about 3 weeks ago, she's probably added 30 words-so like 10 new words a week! Here's the list if you're interested.

Nora’s Translations





Ba-dee-Potty or water












Beet or Bead-Read


Bish-Push (No pushing!) or Fish








Da-Done, hands up















E-C-O-Cheerios, makes an o with hand








Gee-ku-Thank You








Key-cat-Kitty Cat



Meow -Cat

Mik-Milk or music

Mean-o mean-o: Ring Around the Rosy




Muk-Up, wants to be picked up

Na-na-Nanna or Banana

Neenah-Hurshle or Nora






Nose-nose or Kleenex










Picky-Picky Mrs. Pickle Book













Yucky-Lucky (book)