We've had a fun and busy last couple weeks. So I'm going to write a few posts to catch up.
Last week, we had a little family reunion/vacation with Justin's mom's side of the family. There were uncles, aunts, first and second cousins, great-grandparents, grandparents, etc. We stayed in the lake house next to Justin's grandpa's house with 2 of Justin's cousins and their respective sons. Here's everybody together after celebrating August birthdays in the group!
Here is Nora with Lydia, Justin's cousin. Nora and Lydia loved each other! Grandma Sue and the aunts watch on. You may remember Lydia from our wedding. She danced with just about everyone in a tuxedo!
Nora got some quality time in with Uncle Jon this weekend. He rode her around in this dump truck which she loved. You look like a natural Jon...I don't know about this no kids thing.

Meet Ethan. This would be Nora's second cousin and they are 2 weeks apart. It was so fun to have a baby Nora's age there to play with all week. Here they are playing in their pj's.
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