This last week has been bustling. I have been longing to write but haven't had time...
Last week my Grandpa Brown died. His funeral was on Friday. It was sad to know that last week when we saw him was the last time I'd see him, hear his laugh and memorable voice, and witness his spitfire nature. I find much gladness that he is in heaven and out of suffering now.
My grandma and grandpa had been married 59 years.
Even sweeter, we got to share our wedding anniversary date with them-July 22nd 1950 and 2006.
My favorite memories with my grandpa were playing croquet in our backyard together and him teasing me. He was a jokester. I'm so glad he got to meet Nora.
The evening we arrived home from the funeral, several friends helped us load up a trailer. We spent our last night in our duplex and then drove down to unload. Several friends came along to help with this too.
On Sunday, my inlaws came to see our new place and help unpack. My father-in-law hung up most of my curtain rods and pictures. I feel so grateful! It looks a lot more homey with pictures. Give me another week or so and I'll give you a virtual tour so those of you long distance folks can see where we live now.
Adventures of moving. I know how to get around on 3 streets. I got a little cocky today thinking I knew a back way to the grocery store. I was severely humbled when I found myself lost. I finally got there and thought I'd try to find a shortcut to Target. Lost again. So, I'm sticking to the streets I know unless I have my map!
Today, I also got my library card-yay. I'm checking our Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens for my fall read. It's over 800 pages so it might take me all fall. The children's section of the library has a live turtle which Nora liked and I loved since turtles are my favorite animal.
1 comment:
HI Julie,
I was wondering if you could email me the picture of Ralph with NoraKay
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