Here Nora is satisfying her car seat fetish, her most favorite "toy" right now. It can be ours or any other baby's, but she loves inspecting all the buckles and straps.
In other news, as many of you family and friends know we are planning on moving to La Crosse to help start a new church that our current church is starting. The target time to move has been determined for next spring/summer. Our pastor who is leading the team advised us to start looking for jobs now and if we get one before the target to move down early. We weren't planning on looking for new jobs for Justin until early next year, but over this past month an opportunity has fallen into our lap with Edward Jones. Justin is now in the hiring process for that position, he has had a informal and formal face to face interview and had a phone interview this morning that went well. He has another phone interview scheduled for next Monday morning. I guess the company is very selective in who they hire, so there are many interviews before they offer a job. We are praying about this daily and asking God to open this door wider or close it. We would be happy to stay in Eau Claire until the last possible minute, but are willing to move sooner if we feel that is where God is leading us. We take solace that there is another couple already moving down in August because the husband got a teaching job for next school year. We wouldn't be completely alone. We are excited about Justin possibly getting a job but very sad about the thought of leaving Eau Claire earlier than expected. We have many people we have been very close with here for almost 8 years, and I have already cried tears over leaving this place. Yet, it is such an adventure and we're excited for all the new and exciting things that will happen over the next 2-3 years. So we are a mixture of emotions right now, depending on the moment.
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