Saturday, May 16, 2009

Nora is 9 Months!

Here, Nora is playing with one of her girlfriends, Ella, on a play date. The age that Nora is at is so much fun for us! She is beginning to understand more. We know that she for sure understands the words "no" and also "dog". Our landlords have 2 dogs that bark often. Whenever they do, she looks toward that direction. Sometimes we go in the back yard to visit them. If they do not see her and come over right away, she will yell out to them and they come running over. She always laughs at any dog she sees or even if we just say/sign it. Yelling out is another thing she does frequently now. She is starting to love other older kids and as they walk by her, she will call out to them in her baby babble. This is mostly cute and funny, but the other day she was
calling out to another kid while we were out to eat at TGI Fridays. This was then embarrassing. No amount of toys or finger foods could distract her until she got the boy's attention. Nora is also starting to shake her little booty when music comes on. That is just adorable. The best development though is her smile. We used to have to really coax smiles and laughs from her by making silly noises or faces (which we still do quite often). Now, she will sometimes just look over at us and we simply smile at her and she smiles back, like regular adults would do with each other. It is so sweet. Also, sometimes Justin will be teasing me in a silly voice, with no intention of making Nora laugh, but she will. Justin is very glad to now have an audience of 2 to laugh at the silly things he says and does.

In other news, Justin is continuing to move forward in the hiring process with Edward Jones! He has a final face to face interview on May 26th in the Twin Cities. Sometime after that he will either be offered the job in the La Crosse area or not. Hopefully, the former and not the latter!

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